How Crafts Can Help You Stop Your Phone Addiction/Reduce Screen Time
Life is what happens outside the screen...

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We know what might go through your head - it's difficult, it's time-consuming, I'm not good with crafty activities...we've heard it all before. Some of these are actually just pre-conceived ideas that we're constantly trying to demystify.
1. Set Clear Boundaries with Your Screen:
Establish specific times or situations when phone usage is off-limits. For example, designate certain hours of the day as "phone-free" or create phone-free zones in your home, and these become the "creatives hours/zones" where you focus on crafting and have some mindful rest time while being creatively stimulated.
2. Use Technology to Limit Technology:
Search for apps or features on your phone to help limit screen time. There are numerous apps available that allow you to set daily limits on screen time, block distracting apps, or even track your phone usage habits. By leveraging technology in this way, you can gradually reduce dependency on your phone and allocate more time to crafting.
3. Create a Supportive Environment:
Surround yourself with supportive influences that encourage you to disconnect from your phone. This could involve inviting your loved ones to join you on your craft journey and create quality time together. Having a support network can provide accountability and motivation to stay committed to your intention of letting go of your phone.
We hope this blog post can be the motivation you need to break free from the cycle of digital dependence, reconnect with your creativity, and rediscover the happiness of doing something you love outside the screen.
Happy stitching!!