background ·
composite ·
condensed ·
diagonal ·
Flat ·
intermediate ·
large areas ·
parallel ·
pattern ·
quick to work up ·
small areas ·
Jacquard Stitch
The Jacquard Needlepoint Stitch is a stitch that creates a textured and intricate pattern, often resembling woven fabric.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Diagonal, Parallel, Pattern, Condensed, Composite
- Related Stitches: Byzantine Stitch
- Recommended for: Small areas, Large areas, Backgrounds
- Composite Stitch: Byzantine Stitch, Tent Stitch
Jacquard Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Start with a horizontal row of four diagonal stitches, each over one intersection of the canvas
- Use the last diagonal stitch as the first of a vertical row and complete with three more, each over one intersection, and follow this pattern as often as necessary
- For the longer pattern, start with a horizontal row of three diagonal stitches, each over two intersections of the canvas
- At the end of that row, start a vertical row with the same characteristics
- Note that the bottom stitch of a row and the top stitch of the row below must be in the same hole of the canvas
- At the end of this row, repeat step 1. This will alternate between the larger pattern and the smaller one

Stitch Guides where Jacquard Stitch is used
Check out our Stitch Guides where this stitch is used to get some inspiration for your needlepoint project.
If you have doubts about what stitches to choose for your project - check our Tips to select Needlepoint Stitches or Our favorite Needlepoint Decorative Stitches.
Happy stitching :)