background ·
beginner ·
condensed ·
diagonal ·
Flat ·
intermediate ·
large areas ·
parallel ·
pattern ·
quick to work up ·
small areas ·
Scotch Stitch (plus Reversed Scotch Stitch)
The Scotch Needlepoint Stitch is a decorative stitch that creates a textured square pattern that is often used to fill in areas or create geometric designs.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Parallel, Diagonal, Condensed
- Also Known As: Cushion Stitch
- Related Stitches: Cashmere Stitch, Mosaic Stitch
- Recommended for: Small areas, Large areas, Backgrounds
Scotch Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Insert the needle from the back of the canvas to the front at the starting point
- Move diagonally across the canvas to the next canvas intersection, forming a diagonal stitch. Insert the needle from the front to the back
- Move to the canvas hole below the first stitch and make another stitch diagonally parallel to the previous one, skipping two canvas intersections.
- Repeat the previous step but this time insert the needle into the hole in the canvas below the third stitch and make a diagonal stitch skipping three intersections of the canvas
- Now, start decreasing, make one stitch by skipping two canvas intersections and then the last stitch by skipping one canvas intersection
- You will have completed one square, just repeat as many times as necessary to fill the desired area.

Reversed Scotch Stitch
The Reversed Scotch Needlepoint Stitch is a variation of the Scotch Stitch that creates a mirrored or reversed pattern.
Stitch Details
- Stitch Structure: Flat, Diagonal, Pattern
- Related Stitches: Oatmeal Stitch, Brighton Stitch
- Also Known as: Offset Scotch Stitch, Cushion Reversed Stitch, Brighton Reversed Stitch
- Recommended for: Large areas
Reversed Scotch Stitch Instructions & Diagram
You can see the diagram of this stitch below.
- Repeat all the steps from the Scotch Stitch instructions until you've made the first square
For the next square on the right, reverse the stitch direction: start at the bottom left with a reverse tent stitch and work the other four stitches to the upper right corner
- Keep in mind that the squares that are on the same diagonal must follow the same direction, so you will know which direction to follow
Stitch Guides where Scotch Stitch is used
Check out our Stitch Guides where this stitch is used to get some inspiration for your needlepoint project.
If you have doubts about what stitches to choose for your project - check our Tips to select Needlepoint Stitches or Our favorite Needlepoint Decorative Stitches.
Happy stitching :)