Our Story
Hello everyone!
In this blog post, we will tell you a bit of our story, and how this project has started!
Well, it’s only me, Cristina, behind this project, but I can’t help and I mostly say “we/our” when communicating with you! This is because I feel that this is not a project run only by myself, but a collaborative project of so many people… Firstly, there are our unwind studio Artists to whom I’m so thankful for believing in this project as much as I do! Then the super talented Inês Silva: with her beautiful photos and videos, and Leonor Violeta who does all the graphic design.
This passion for needlepoint started when I was about 9 years old… My mother says that I spent all my childhood vacations stitching, and now I can see that it was a time very well spent!
Below you can see my first ever needlepoint project, that I did when I learned this embroidery technique at school. Nowadays it is hanging on my kitchen.

I gave up stitching when I went to college, and I remember that it was mostly because I didn’t like the designs available in the market at the time… I think there are a lot of us in the needlepoint community that can relate to this! Then, almost 20 years later, when I was on my maternity leave, I decided to finish an old canvas, and the “stitching bug” reappeared.
Why creating a needlepoint small business? Well, I needed a change in my life. I was pretty successful working on the data engineering field in a very cool company, but I was feeling overwhelmed despite loving my work.
In Portuguese we have a saying "Trabalhar por gosto não cansa", which translated means that when you work with joy and motivation, you can never get tired. But we can... we can get tired without even realizing it, despite all the joy and flow we feel at work! So, I decided to take care of myself, taking a short break.
During this break, this idea of creating a small business where I could mix art & illustration (other passions of mine) with needlepoint emerged!
So, here we are! Hello 👋
xo, Cristina
Below you can find the first needlepoint piece that I did when I started to stitch again recently. It has a modern geometric design, and it is available for purchase as a kit, or digital download, here!